【影片名称】:骚女荡男 Femmes A Hommes 1976(法国经典复古情色)
Photographer Fran?ois gives work a higher priority than he does to his lover Joelle (Hélène Chevalier, but not the Hélène Chevalier of a decade later)), abandoning her mid-love-making after a phone call. Frustrated, she goes on the prowl on her motor bike, looking for sex from a ‘substitute’ (bouche-trou).
There are a few flashbacks, confusing the sequence of events. First she takes appropriate revenge by hiring a male model (or is this her lover?) for a nude photo session and then has sex with him. She rides off on her bike and does some nude sunbathing in the dunes, books into a hotel where Martine Grimaud is the receptionist.
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