【影片名稱】:伯爵女夫人 The Countess X 1976 中文字幕(各種金發狐媚美女群魔亂舞)
Cathy Stewart is definitely present and may be credited as Antonia. A Julie Bouche is listed on imdb, but not credited. Is this Cathy Stewart? Catherine Castel need to be the golden-haired in the red costume who is at the party the entire time (Karine Gambier arriving later, likewise in a red costume, but it is far from her ordinary look.
A masked burglar (Rachel Mhas) roams the abode in search of papers whilst Alban has sex with Carole Gire. The burglar spies on em and masturbates. She finds the papers, but is found and flees into the woods.
Later the burglar gatecrashes a cocktail party at the abode, drugs the drinks, and turns it into an fuckfest so that this babe can steal from the guests. But that babe is spottd in the action of spiking the drinks by one of the guests, who keeps his throat shut until later.
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