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風流韻事出租車 (中文字幕)[AVI/1.05G/BT]



【上映日期】:推出日期: 2015-10-31
【主演演員】:Lee Seung Hwan |,양민영| 송기준. 【劇情簡介】:       深夜,正在值班的計程車司機泰宇;後座坐著位女乘客,穿上透視迷你裙,腿張開的意態撩人。泰宇不斷從倒後鏡窺看,差點釀成交通意外。有天,泰宇把計程車停泊好,在路邊吸煙,又遇上那女乘客,這次她卻傷痕累累。之後,他們再碰上幾次,泰宇連她回家的路也認得。       一晚,泰宇照樣的送她回家,她喝醉了,性感的躺在後座,泰宇終於忍不住吻了她。誰知女乘客不但沒有拒絕,還熱情的回應,和泰宇在車廂中激情的做愛。他們開始談戀愛,享受著彼此的肉體溫存。泰宇值班時居然載了女乘客和她的丈夫,始知她是個有夫之婦!司機乘客原本只是性侵玩玩,卻變成無法控制的危險關係…。       【Storyline】:       Late at night, Tae-woo, a taxi driver, with a lady at his backseat, wearing see-through miniskirt; he peeps from the rear mirror, and almost crashes his car. One day, he parks his taxi and bumps into the same lady in bruises while he is enjoying his cigerette. They then meet for a few more times, until Tae-woo can recognize the way to her home.       One night, Tae-woo is driving her home again; she is drunk and sexy, he cannot control himself no more and kisses her. The lady responds passionately and they have sex in the car. The two starts a romantic affair, but Tae-woo soon finds out she is married! A fling turns into a forbidden relationship...。

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