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竹夫人 (國粵雙語) [MKV/1.36G]



[有 无码]:三级  
领衔主演  单立文 林熙倩 秦煌 高素贞 李善爱
导 演 李翰祥
出品公司  寰宇
出品时间  1991年
出产地区  中国香港
影片长度  2小时
对白语言  中文
字幕语言  中文
内容分级  争议型
  两位青楼女子,道尽多少风流辛酸泪。一个红杏出墙,春心荡漾,心痒难抵,与铁匠夜夜共渡云雨,终被丈夫发现,把她卖入青楼。另一个芳华正茂,却被迫嫁给8岁少爷。洞房之夜。其爱郎偷入洞房,挟持少爷,并与她不分昼夜的作乐。在官差破门时二人依然不顾一切,在刀刃下翻云覆雨,尽情淫乐...... Two whores, sold into prostitution, tell their painful romantic stories. The first one is a married woman falling in love with an iron burner, and they enjoy sex so much. One day, her husband discovers their affair and she is being sold to a whorehouse. The second one is a beautiful young girl who is forced to marry an eigh-year-old boy. One night, her lover comes to save her. Tying up the boy, the lovers make love day and night crazily even when they are about the be captured...

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