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欲望庄园eva braun 2014中文字幕 [MP4/738MB/BT]



【电影海报】: 【影片名称】: 欲望庄园eva braun 2014中文字幕[18禁情色怪诞的性幻想旅程:几对男女、一个房间、贪婪和性]
【剧情介绍】:  “索多玛120天”现代激情版、意大利2014年18禁情色新片,根据2013年意大利议会性丑闻真实事件,融合《索多玛120天》、《萨德侯爵》、《十日谈》等情色经典影片的灵感,创造出一个怪诞的性幻想旅程:几对男女、一个房间、贪婪和性......!      伊娃劳恩从实际的性丑闻, 在意大利议会和120天的由萨德侯爵。这种混合创造了一个怪诞的旅程, 通过权力, 性别和意志的人谁做的一切都是成功的。码头是一个强有力的和重要的大亨谁保持在他的国家的权力。优雅, 讽刺, 受过良好教育, 他有一个古怪的性本能, 是她的情妇, 切削, 谁收集的人, 男人和女人 (音乐家, 导演, 作家和商人) 满足他的怪异幻想得到他的帮助, 通往成功的道路。像一个谈》, 一群人在房子里满足他们的骄傲和对权力和性的贪婪。 Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power, sex and will of people who does everything to be successful. Pier is a powerful and important Mogul who keeps the power in his country. Elegant, ironical and well educated, he has a bizarre sexual instinct which is satisfied by her mistress, Romy, who collect people, men and women (musicians, directors, writers and businessmen) which agree to satisfy his weird fantasies for getting his help to the way to success. Like a Decameron, a group of people in a house meet their pride and greed for power and sex.

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