【影片名称】:极乐玩偶 La Femme-Objet -1980(复古经典情色蓝光收藏版版)
他想要创造的伽......在它原来不坏......然后就变成了弗兰肯斯坦 》......那位著名作家,在生活中经历悲剧,我成为了真正的 '种马' 只在性爱中发现了灵感。辣妹的任何无法满足它在当下。然后此沙巴,由连续试验,创造了它 — — 具有生活性-机-所有要体现。它似乎是以幻想什么任何更大数量......关于矛盾 !人不能停止对到达,并且这种抑制不住,更不用说...
He wanted to create Galatea... at 1st at it it turned out not bad... then it turned into Frankenstein... The known writer, having endured in the life the tragedy, I became real 'stallion' as solely in sex I discovered inspiration. Any of babes couldn't satisfy it on the present. And then this chab, by continuous experiences, created it - a live sex-machine - an embodiment of all the wants. It would appear to be to fantasy any greater quantity about what... On the contradictory! The person can't stop on reached, and such irrepressible and even less so...
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